Lina Dabit
Inspector - Officer In Charge Cybercrime Toronto
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Lina Dabit joined the RCMP in 1994 and started her career in BC working duties ranging from uniform patrol, drug section, major crime, intelligence and border integrity. She transferred to Ontario in 2008 and focused on organized crime, national security and established the RCMP Interview Team. She was commissioned to Inspector in 2017 as the Commander of the Air Marshals in Toronto. Since 2021 she has led the Cybercrime Team and is building an innovative model focused on collaboration between federal, international, and private sector partnerships.
Beyond the Badge: Why Involving Law Enforcement Matters In Cybersecurity
With cybercrime costing Canadians over $3 billion annually, understanding how law enforcement is tackling these digital threats has never been more vital. This lightning talk will address misconceptions head-on, and provide an overview of what to expect when working with police cybercrime teams.