Melissa Kargiannakis

Melissa Kargiannakis


AskAI Podcast

Melissa Kargiannakis is a futurist, go-to-market expert, & executive coach to founders. She works in growth, cybersecurity, and AI.
People say Melissa exemplifies tenacity, grit, and impressive intellectual horsepower, bringing the zest and charm to any conversation.
Melissa has won awards from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada, and Top 20 Most Innovative Companies in Canada. Her achievements are built on a foundation of excellence, insatiable curiosity, and clear life purpose to rebalance power in society.


wednesday – 10:00am AI

Time Icon 5 mins

Location Icon St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts - Bluma Appel Theatre

AI Stage Kick Off

Explore the evolving world of AI, where innovation meets responsibility with our host, Melissa.