Tabatha Bull
President & CEO
Canadian Council for Indigenous Business
Tabatha, a proud member of Nipissing First Nation, holds the distinction of being named CEO of the Year for 2022 by the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, was recognized as one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women in 2023, and named as Top 100 Lobbyist in Canada four years in a row. As the President and CEO of CCIB, she is dedicated to rebuilding and strengthening the path towards reconciliation and fostering a prosperous Indigenous economy for the benefit of all Canadians.
Reimagining Venture Capital: Raven Capital's Vision for Indigenous Entrepreneurs
Changing the narrative around investing is no small feat, but Raven Indigenous Capital Partners is leading the charge to build a thriving, sustainable Indigenous economy across Turtle Island. In this session, Althea and Tabatha dive deep into the current state of the Indigenous economy, exploring how meaningful change requires rethinking how we address social challenges. By placing Indigenous communities, traditional knowledge, and values at the core of the solution, they aim to redefine what lasting impact truly means.