Kristina Flynn

Kristina Flynn

Entrepreneur & Creator

No F*cks Era

Kristina Flynn, known as kristina, with a ‘k’, is an entrepreneur and brand strategist with 16+ years of experience building story-driven brands for NBA All-Stars, VCs, and digital artists. Recognizing the power of personal storytelling, she developed AI-enhanced tools to make her work more accessible. Today, Kristina helps high-potential individuals, especially women, share their authentic stories to resonate with audiences, promote themselves confidently, and GET PAID.


thursday – 02:00pm Women in Tech

Time Icon 50 mins

Location Icon Meridian Hall - Upper Mezzanine

Inside Out: The Realities of Building in Public

In today’s world, “building in public” has become a popular strategy for founders looking to engage their audience and show transparency around their journey. But why do founders choose this approach? And how does their personal brand play a crucial role in shaping their business? In this fireside, Larissa and Kristina will explore why personal storytelling is more important than ever, and discuss tactics for balancing authenticity with oversharing.