Drew Lindsay



Drew Lindsay has over 20 years experience in the high tech recruitment industry working with a wide array of venture-backed startups and scale-ups to Fortune 500 companies to assist them in optimizing their recruitment processes and implementing best practices to help them find better talent, faster and more cost-effectively.


thursday – 10:30am Tech Talent Zone

Time Icon 15 mins

Location Icon Meridian Hall - Lower Lobby

AI-Powered Careers: Game-Changing Tools to Accelerate Your Career

In an age where technology is pervasive in most aspects of our lives, why should our career pursuits be any different? Dive into the exciting world of AI-powered career tools with Drew Lindsay, and discover how to supercharge your job search and professional growth. From resume optimizers that make you irresistible to recruiters, to platforms that match your unique skills with the perfect job, Drew unveils the game-changing arsenal at your fingertips. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a fresh grad, get ready to transform your career trajectory. Plus, who doesn’t love a good tech joke or two? Join us for insights, laughter, and the future of job hunting!