Marc Low

Director of Innovation & Emerging Technology


Marc leads KPMG Ignition, KPMG’s hub for innovation, digital and emerging technologies including Generative AI, digital twins, and corporate venturing. He has had the good fortune to work with clients across public and private sectors in North America and across Africa, giving him a unique perspective on technology and innovation as forces for good.


wednesday – 11:30am AI

Time Icon 20 mins

Location Icon St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts - Bluma Appel Theatre

This Changes Everything: Generative AI and the Next Competitive Advantage

Generative AI is no longer a future concept but a present reality. This presentation navigates the transformative impact of AI on businesses, exploring why technological disruption can be difficult to see, and what you’ll need to turn AI Readiness and experimentation into competitive advantage. Join us as we explore real-life applications, challenges, and practical advice to help prepare you for responsible and effective AI adoption.