Marissa McNeelands

Founder & CEO


Marissa McNeelands is the Founder & CEO of Toast, a company that advocates for greater gender diversity in tech. After spending almost a decade in the tech industry as a Data & AI Product Manager, Marissa found herself more often than not being the only woman in the room. Struggling to hire women into roles on her teams, and gain buy-in from the men around her to focus on gender equity, Marissa founded Toast to empower women in tech to get what they want, while giving hiring leaders a tangible way to increase gender diversity in their talent pool. Marissa has a Master’s of Management in Artificial Intelligence from Queen’s University and is a finalist for the Women in AI DEI Leader of the Year as well as the Women in IT DEI Initiative of the Year.


wednesday – 12:30pm Women in Tech

Time Icon 60 mins

Location Icon Meridian Hall - Upper Mezzanine

Get Hired

Attendees will learn how to leverage their unique strengths, skills, and experiences, creating a compelling personal brand and resume that catches the attention of employers. This session empowers candidates to navigate the competitive job market with ease and secure the opportunities they’ve always dreamed of.