Neil Kostecki

VP of Product


Neil Kostecki is VP of Product at Coveo and has over a decade of experience across key Canadian tech companies, with a deep understanding of Service solutions and concepts. Since joining Coveo in 2017, his passion for content, search, and personalization has been a key driver in the evolution of our Service products.


wednesday – 12:15pm AI

Time Icon 15 mins

Location Icon St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts - Bluma Appel Theatre

Is it Too Late to Ride the AI Wave, or Are There Still Untapped Opportunities for Savvy Investors and Enterprises?

Is it too late to ride the AI wave, or are there still untapped opportunities for savvy investors and enterprises? We’ll explore the current state of AI from a product and investment lens. Delve into the crystal ball to envision the future of AI, emerging trends and weighing the risks of new capabilities like GenAI. Whether you’re a seasoned innovator or a curious newcomer this talk will provide valuable insights to help you navigate the future of AI.