Dr. John P. Trougakos

University of Toronto | President of JPT Associates Inc.

John Trougakos is a Professor of Management at the University of Toronto, and President of JPT Associates Inc. He focuses on the dynamics of effective organizations, seeking to provide insights into current organizational challenges as well as those of the rapidly evolving workplaces of the future. He specializes in helping companies with issues related to future proofing strategies, remote and hybrid work, reduced work time models, leadership, group dynamics, as well as employee well-being and productivity. John’s award-winning research has been published in numerous leading academic journals and has been featured widely by a variety of media outlets, including the New York Times, BBC, CBC, the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star, National Public Radio, Bloomberg, and Time, to name a few. Some of his industry collaborations include Staples Canada, Bell Canada, Deloitte, the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Department of Defense, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Canadian Securities Trader Association, the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, the Ontario Pension Board, AGF, and the Work Time Reduction Centre of Excellence, among many others.


thursday – 11:15am Work Shift Equality

Time Icon 25 mins

Location Icon St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts - Bluma Appel Theatre

4-Day Work Week for Gender Equality, True Inclusion, and Well Being

The adoption of a 4-day work week is emerging as a transformative approach in the quest for gender equality, true inclusion, and employee well being. Hear different perspectives on the practicalities and advantages of transitioning to a 4-day work week within a corporate framework.