Tessa Ohlendorf

Managing Director


Tessa is shifting business culture. A media & tech leader, she is delivering high results while offering a 32 hour week. At the forefront of media & tech in NYC and Toronto for over 20 years, Tessa joined Media.Monks in 2018. Her leadership is turning heads – earning awards including “Top Women in Media and Ad Tech 2022” and many “Best Workplace” awards including “Best Workplace for Women”. Tessa proves that a flexible work week drives results and employer brand. Her visionary style will inspire you to think about business challenges and successes in a different way—and try it for yourself.


thursday – 11:15am Work Shift Equality

Time Icon 25 mins

Location Icon St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts - Bluma Appel Theatre

4-Day Work Week for Gender Equality, True Inclusion, and Well Being

The adoption of a 4-day work week is emerging as a transformative approach in the quest for gender equality, true inclusion, and employee well being. Hear different perspectives on the practicalities and advantages of transitioning to a 4-day work week within a corporate framework.